Sunday, October 7, 2012

Here we are.

This is the beginning. This is where I start. This is where I say good-bye to the old Catie that I knew, and 'Welcome back' to the Catie I discovered.

I'm not going to give you my life story but rather a refined, flashback. A life of binge eating and punishing my body led me to 95kgs of fat. I looked at my 7 month old baby girl and realised she deserved better, but not only that, but I deserved better. I took control, and emerged a slimmer, 58kg version of myself; a better version.

I miss that Catie.

Another child later and countless binges; I sit here at 82kg. I lost sight of who I was, the goals I had set and smashed. I lost my passion for turning myself into the best possible version of me.

That is no more, I have inspiration and new knowledge in my life that is going to help me gain back who I became. This is my journey back to the chick I once was.

I will not count calories (ok maybe a little, old habits are hard to kill) but I will nourish my body through clean eating, food will be my medicine and exercise will be my saviour.

Tomorrow the sun will shine on a new chapter in my life, tomorrow will be the day I started gaining back Catie.